March has stayed busy with new students and surprisingly we have had a "male" streak. This month started off with our first work study student of the year, Drew McKenzie, from Monkton, VT and he has been weaving some amazing things in his short time here. Starting off with the Scottish Wedding Throw he then moved on to using Scottish tweed yarn to weave a scarf and his current project is a fine cotton/linen fabric to make a shirt. Down the list is a hand spun, hand dyed tartan blanket which Norman is going to supervise the making of. Drew has already told us that he never wants to leave so it may be that we have to be creative in finding him a job!
Next of our new men, was Jeff Priest, from South Burlington, who also wanted to weave a throw but not in our typical colors of blue and white. He (or rather, his wife!) chose a beautiful coral and grey Maine Line mixed with white in big bold bands. It was stunning when finished and if he didn't have to work a real job, he would be here on a regular basis as well.
Former student, Amy Danielson's husband Bill was our other male student this month and ostensibly he only came along to watch the warping that Amy was going to do for their new loom. But there was no holding him back and he took to warping like a duck to water.
And did I mention maple syrup?? Sugaring season is in full swing in a year where everyone was dubious that we would have any runs at all…. with this crazy weather that we had this winter. But in fact, the sap started to run and has not stopped….keeping my trim weaver, Sue Carpenter, chained to the sugar house and the St. John the Divine gallon that she was supposed to be weaving sitting forgotten on the loom.
Our new work study student, Drew McKenzie,
weaving the Scottish wedding throw. |
New student, Jeff Priest, weaving a throw using 3/8 Maine Line. |
Amy Danielson's husband Bill, learning how to warp. |
Drew's second project - a tweed scarf. |
Close-up of Drew's scarf. |
Drew's cotton and linen shirt fabric. |