We've had a very busy month here at MSW…….partly, I think, because every is going stir crazy from the length and severity of our winter. It seems that a useful antidote to going off the deep end, is to take refuge with other like minded souls, immerse oneself in color and textures, eat good food, share some laughs and make beautiful textiles. While the temperature hovered at zero and below for weeks and weeks, the energy in the barn was warm and full of excitement . No new students braved the weather this month so it was just our solid group of regulars - Stevie, Sandra, Susan, Sarah, Ginny, Pat, Justin and Lynnette. We had two overshot projects going this month….Pat wove a narrow warp of a small pattern for pillowcovers and Susan and Stevie worked on a joint warp for rugs in the Orange Peel pattern. They were all very pleased with the end results and we may now add overshot rugs to our repetoire of classes. Taylore Gyrmonnt came back from a long haitus to weave some gorgeous throws out of Jagger Spun and it is always a treat to see how she puts colors together. Sarah worked on a fine warp of 2/20 worsted for a piece of clothing and both of our Vermont Folklife Grantees - Rose and Joann -were here to work on their projects.
There were no birthday's to celebrate this month but we had a great St. Patrick's day theme lunch for our regular potluck.
Stay tuned for what new adventures keep us busy as we await the coming of spring and April!
Detail of Pat's overshot fabric for pillows. |
The "crew" giving Pat feedback on her overshot warp. |
Joann Darling, VT Folklife Grantee, weaving M's & O's with the linen that she grew, processed and spun
in Barre, VT. |
Detail of Joann's linen. |
Rose Diamond, another VT. Folklife grantee, picking a Welsh Mountain Fleece to spin
for her Scottish Tweed Project. |
Ginny Kern winding a skein with Rhea's help. |
Close-up detail of Joann's M's & O's towel. |
St. Patrick's Day lunch….. |
Irish soda bread, Chocolate Fudge cake…..Yum, Yum! |
Justin and Taylore with her finished throw warp. |
Detail of Taylore's throw. |
The finished overshot rug warp. |
Stevie wove her rug with a navy pattern weft. |
Susan and Stevie with their finished rugs. |
Sarah Barron weaving 2/20 worsted for a wool tunic. |
Close-up of Sarah's stripe. |
Susan's rug of multi-stranded rug yarn. |