Norman collecting elderberries |
dairy cows pastured at the top of the hill |
spider web cups in the early morning |
a gorgeous wool-silk throw in the scale
I'll tell you more about Texas Lisa's rug and tapestry of early August as soon as I get a few photographs from her.
Aside from several students coming through the doors, it's been August as usual, which this year means beautiful sunny summer weather, interspersed by cooler evenings, dense ground fog lifting out of the valleys in the mornings, elderberries ready for harvesting, cows uphill grazing in the sunshine, apples falling off the trees (and we are going to have SOME apple harvest this fall - they are just everywhere!), tomatoes, melons, beans, beets, squash, and corn tumbling out of our gardens, and many jobs being finished up, among them a couple of big runs of hand-dyed green and indigo upholstery fabrics, linsey woolsey fabric, 35 yards of linen spot weave, and a beautiful wool-silk throw in M's and O's that looks as luscious as fresh honeycomb from an August beehive.
We have a couple of dye workshops coming up in the next few weeks (
Fiber Fest in Brookfield and Wool/Silk with Local Plants here at the school on Labor Day Weekend), so stay tuned for all that.